1320 *Firewall logs - generated from rules that have the log option ticked
1321 *General settings of the Firewall
1322 *Registration dialog
1323 *Help
1324 *Help
1325 *Smart Update
1326 *You must restart your computer for the updates to take effect. Click Yes to restart now or No if you intend to restart later.
1327 *PC Tools Firewall Plus Information
1328 *New drivers have been updated by Smart Update. Installing drivers now. Please wait...
1329 *The PC Tools Firewall Plus driver installation failed. Please contact PC Tools support.
1330 *PC Tools Firewall Plus failed to restart your computer. Please attempt to restart your computer manually.
1331 *User is not an administrator. Smart Update will download all updates without interacting with the user.\n\nWould you like to run Smart Update anyway?
1332 *Smart Update completed successfully
1333 *Smart Update did not find new updates
1334 *Smart Update failed, error: %s
1382 *Warning: this computer program is protected by copyright law and international treaties.
1384 *PC Tools Firewall Plus Error
1385 *Firewall Protection is
1387 *About...
1390 *Filtering is partially active
1393 *System Information
1394 *About
1395 *Details
1396 *Item
1397 *Value
1398 *General
1399 *Smart Update
1400 *PC Tools About dialog
1401 *To upgrade to the licensed version, click Register Online or click Continue to proceed with the trial version. Registered users, please enter your registration and license details below to activate the licensed version.
1402 *License Name
1403 *License Code
1404 *Register Online
1405 *Continue
1406 *OK
1407 *Copyright ⌐ 2006-2007 PC Tools. All rights reserved.
1408 *Version
1409 *Registered to:
1410 *Warning: this computer program is protected by copyright law and international treaties. Unauthorized reproduction or distribution may result in severe civil and criminal penalties, and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law.
1411 *Register Now
1412 *The registration information you entered is not correct. Click 'OK' and try again or click 'Cancel' to continue using PC Tools Firewall Plus
1413 *You have successfully registered PC Tools Firewall Plus
1414 *Register
1415 *Removable Drive
1416 *Local Drive
1417 *Network Drive
1418 *DVD/CD-RW Drive
1419 *Floppy Drive
1420 *Protect your PC in real-time against attack
1459 *New updates are available. Would you like to run Smart Update now?
1460 *Operating System
1461 *Number of Processors
1462 *Computer Name
1463 *Logged in as
1464 *Total Physical Memory
1465 *Available Physical Memory
1466 *Memory Utilization
1467 *Drives
1468 *Unregistered
1469 *Never
1470 *Subscription status:
1471 *Time-limited trial %d days remaining
1472 *Registered
1473 *Last Smart Update:
1474 *Firewall Protection is
1475 *IP Address:
1476 *Sent Packets:
1489 *Quick Start Guide
1490 *PC Tools Homepage
1491 *Disable Firewall
1492 *Enable Firewall
1493 *Exit
1494 *Open
1496 *Received Packets:
1497 *Registered:
1498 *Expiry Date:
1499 Spyware Doctor
1500 PC Tools AntiVirus
1501 *Application Blocking
1502 *Click here to view & customize applications
1503 *Advanced Rules
1504 *Click here to manage advanced filtering
1505 *Select an action
1506 *Status & Summary
1507 *ON
1508 *OFF
1509 *Action
1510 *Invalid
1511 *Unknown
1512 *RAM Disk
1513 *Application Filtering is disabled\nPlease activate Application Filtering in settings page to get the complete protection for your computer.
1514 *Packet Filtering is disabled\nPlease activate Packet Filtering in settings page to get the complete protection for your computer.
1515 *The PC Tools Firewall Plus service has not been started. Please wait while this service is automatically started. This may take a couple of minutes...
1516 *The PC Tools Firewall Plus service has failed to start. Unable to run the PC Tools Firewall Plus product. Please contact your administrator.
1517 *The firewall service does not exist on this computer. Please reinstall the PC Tools Firewall Plus product and try again.
1518 *PC Tools Firewall Plus failed to enable. This means you are unprotected from external networks. Please contact your administrator.
1519 *PC Tools Firewall Plus failed to disable. Please contact your administrator.
1521 *You are about to shutdown PC Tools Firewall Plus. This means your computer will be no longer protected from the Internet.\n\nAre you sure you wish to exit?
1522 *Activity
1523 *The firewall plug-in DLL failed to load. Reinstallation of the PC Tools Firewall Plus product may solve this problem, otherwise contact PC Tools.
1524 *Activity
1525 *A problem occured when attempting connection to the 'PC Tools Firewall Plus' service. The application will now terminate. Please try restarting the application.\n\nIf the problem continues, please contact PC Tools support.
1526 *Click here for detailed traffic activity
1527 *A problem occured when attempting to change the Smart Update language. Please contact PC Tools support if this failure continues.
1528 *PC Tools Firewall Plus Smart Update Information
1529 *Last Smart Update Check:
1530 *Not applicable
1531 *Register PC Tools Firewall Plus
1532 *Please wait while attempting to stop PC Tools Firewall Plus service...
1533 *The PC Tools Firewall Plus service has failed to stop. Please contact your administrator.
1534 *Detailed traffic activity based on all system network adapters
1535 *Failed to enable Application filtering.
1536 *Failed to enable Packet filtering.
1537 *PC Tools Firewall Plus is currently disabled. It is advised that you enable the firewall.\n\nNOTE: If both filtering options are not ticked, firewall protection is disabled.